
Krishi Ratna Shri. Chandrashekhar Hari Bhadsavle Son of Late Shri. Hari D. Bhadsavle (Freedom Fighter)
Born 29th Jan 1950, Married, Started with about 35 acres of family land, now have more than 55 acres of cultivation. Out of this about 10 acres under 6 earthen ponds for aquaculture, 15 acres for agroforestry, 10 acres for horticulture, 15 acres for field crops, 5 acres for cattle barns, vermi composting and activated slurry project. All of this is integrated with tourism without losing land under cultivation to make a perfect example of Agro Tourism (Krishi Paryatan).
Saguna Baug, PO. Dahivali, Tal. Karjat, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra. 410101
+91 98222 82623
- M S (Food Tech) Uni of California, Davis, 1972 (A paper in American Journal of Microbiology), Isolation & identification of Psychrophilic, Spore Forming, Anaerobic, Bacteria From Milk"
- B Sc (Agri) Kokan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli 1970
- Chief Promoter and Managing Director, Saguna Sustainability Solutions Pvt Ltd. 2021
- Founder and Managing Trustee (2016 till date), Saguna Rural Foundation (SRF)
- Chief Promoter, June 2014 - 2016 : PPP-IAD program by Govt. of Maharashtra to popularize SRT, the Zero till rice based farming method.
- Successful farmer; working since 1976 to date. Raised 'Saguna Baug' to a status where manyin the society know this 'Farm/ Farmer' and wish to visit the place with eagerness. This is my dream that 'farmers should get dignity'. Gave birth to the concept "Krishi Paryatan", demonstrated the concept in the country for the first time, now a very popular concept throughout India. Wrote first book (two editions in Marathi and one in Hindi language) on the subject "Krishi Paryatan".
- Developed a revolutionary technique “SRT”, a Zero till Conservation Agriculture techniques for rice based farming system.
- The details can be seen at
- 1972 to 75 worked in various organizations in California, USA
- Developed another revolutionary technique SVT to prevent forest fire and greening of the same. The details can be seen at
- Few dozen articles written on “Krishi Paryatan” by me or about my work in various languages in India. Many presentations to students, farmers, scientists on varied subjects such as SnakestheFriends, Agro Eco Tourism, Aquaculture, Rice, Social aspects such as Find a Farmer Friend, Bamboo, Onion and so on. Organized many Farmers Meets.
- Travelled for Agriculture and Tourism lectures, conferences and study : Australia (2013), Kenya (1989), Nepal (2009), Israel (1989, 1992), Switzerland (2005, 2015), USA (1970, 1984, 2005, 2015, 2020), Italy(2015), Iceland (2019), Mexico (2020)
Dignity to Farmer & Farmer Friendly Techniques | Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle| TEDxSomaiyaVidyavihar
Dignifying rice farming for sustainability | Mr. Shekhar Bhadsavle | TEDxLaxmiVidyapeeth
“SRT- No Till, Regenerative Agriculture” is a different path to quickly overcome today’s biggest fears of Food Shortage and Global Warming I Time and Time again - IIM Kashipur, Jan 2023
- FAO, Rome, 23 rd Sept. 2015 : Zero till/Conservation agriculture practices for Rice based farming system: insights from India.
- International conference on irrigated rice, 17 Sept. 2015, Expo 2015, Milan : Water use optimization in shrimp and rice production in India.
- Zurich, Manessia Turicensis 22 nd Sept. 2015 : Growing rice aerobically by avoiding generation of greenhouse gases (GHG) & with less water.
- Cornell University, USA, 5 th May 2015 : Growing No Till Rice with SRT- Increasing productivity with the Saguna Rice Technique.
- The 2nd World Irrigation Forum (WIF) 2016 at Thailand, Watsave Award, "Increased Productivity of rice while saving water".
- Regional Review and Planning Workshop, 24-25 April 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam: Sustaining And Enhancing the momentum for innovation and learning around the system of rice intensification.
- Invitation by Livelihoods-Venture, Paris and Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Thailand For Dissemination of SRT technology to Thai farmers. Nov 2017 8. Participation in round table conference at Mexico City by Global Farmer Network (GFN) Jan2020
- Saguna Rice Technique (SRT) It is a Conservation Agriculture (CA), Zero Till method of farming which does not cause atrocity of tillage, completely stops soil erosion, promotes natural production of earthworms, increases organic carbon of the soil, considerably increases productivity of the land and added effect of amazing happiness and confidence to the farmer. Our main focus through this innovation is to bring positive revolutionary changes in the livelihood of Millets, Oilseed, Pulses and Rice Farmers.
- Saguna Van Samvardhan Technique (SVT) prevention of forest fires and rejuvenation degraded hills & waste lands. This is an easily adoptable and simple technique to prevent forest fires and to effectively re-generate greenery on barren hills and fallow lands.
- Following objectives are well within reach at fastest speed by using SVT. >>
- Pioneer of Krishi Paryatan (Agro tourism) in India since 1985. This is an easily adoptable way to give dignity to a farmer and considerable additional income. This has proved to be the best model to attract able youth to Rural India. We define Krishi Paryatan as "an activity organized by the farmer himself, on his/her active farm where leisure learning and fun is combined together." This is a perfect 'Angan' to integrate and create a brotherhood of urban and farming folks.
- The Saguna Jalsanvardhan Tantra, popularly known as SJT, is a water body rejuvenation and conservation technique, developed under the immaculate guidance and supervision of Mr. Chandrashekhar Bhadsavle at Saguna Baugh of the Saguna Rural Foundation, Neral. The SJT technique involves the usage of general purpose systemic weedicide on the target weeds, such as water hyacinth (Eicchornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), for cleansing the weeds out of the water body, following which the removal of the dead weed is done. The polluted portion of the water is then treated with the help of useful microbes, appropriate combination of fish species and ecologically beneficial plants such as lotus to manage the soluble pollutants in the water body, ensure optimum oxygenation of the water, and maintain the natural beauty of the water body.
- Developed the easiest, quickest, chipset, confidence building method to control crab problem in rice paddies and to protect environments from erosion.
- Developed an easy technique to control menace of some aggressive foreign vines weeds(e.g. Chromolaena odorata…..communist weed)
- Developed two rice varieties through Genetic mutation thru radiation technique.
- Developed a technique to produce rice with drip irrigation and poly mulch film to reduce water requirement by 50%.
SRT Booklet (detailed manual of no till SRT), 8th edition, Jan 2022
SRT a climate smart regenerative conservation agriculture for sustainable livelihoods - NIRDPR 2019.
No tiling, no transplanting, no labour. Just good rice, good soil, and a good environment. Too good to be true? ISRN Stories_Volume 2 SRT Antyodaya Based Best Practice.
Book (Manual) on Agro Tourism (Krishi Paryatan) two editions in Marathi and Hindi 1998.
My organization is now appointed by PoCRA (Project on Climate Resilient Agriculture) to give training of the no-till regenerative method of SRT, to their class I & class II agri officers of PoCRA, a World Bank funded project. The project is especially targeted to improve the soil health which will regulate abiotic stresses on the crops in 16 drought prone districts of Maharashtra.
- Member (GFN) Global Farmer Network, Mexico City 2020
- Research Advisory Committee of Central Mushroom Res Insti, Solan (2009 and 2010)
- Research Advisory Committee member at Director of Rice Research, Hyderabad (2010&2011).
- The award Selection Committee for Jagjivan Ram Kisan Puruskar, ICAR, NDelhi 2005-06.
- Life member : Association of Food Scientists & Technologists of India. 6. Life Member : Asian Fisheries Association, Mumbai.
- Environmently Sound Agriculture Hero Award by G W Bird Foundation of Michigan State University, USA, 21 November 2024
- Farmer Leadership Award 2024 by Central Agriculture Minister Shri Shivaraj Singh Chauhan
- Chatrapati Shiwaji Maharaj Vanashree Award, Forest Dept of MH Feb 2023.
- Vande Kisan by Hon Shri Bhagatsingh Ji Koshyari, Governor of Maharashtra. Mumbai Dec 2021
- Father of Agro Tourism in India by Maharashtra state Agriculture and Rural Tourism (29 Dec 2019)
- “Krishi Ratna 2015”, Govt of Maharashtra by Honorable Governor MH Shri C Vidyasagar Rao (14 Feb 2019)
- Earth Care Award (SAARC) by JSW and Times of India (25th November 2016)
- WatSave Farmer Award by International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage in Thailand (8th November 2016)
- “Jeevan Gaurav Puraskar” by RCF, Chembur, 26 th January 2016
- Krishi Gaurav Puraskar by Bharat Krushak Samaaj (January 2016).
- Lectures on SRT – Zero till –Conservation Agriculture for Rice at Milan, FAO Rome and Zurich (14-24 Sept 2015)
- Innovative Farmer Leader, Dir of Rice Research- Hyderabad 29 Aug 2015
- Speech at Cornell University, Ethica, “Growing No-Till Rice with SRT: IncreasingProductivity with the Saguna Rice Technique” May 5 th , 2015
- ABP Maza Sanman Puraskar, Mumbai, 30 th Jan 2015
- Hutatma Gaurav Puraskar, 2015, Raigad Press Club
- Vasantrao Naik Pratishthan Puruskar, Mumbai 1 st July2014
- Udyog Shree Puraskar in the hands of Dr Anil Kakodkar, Mumbai, Jan 2012
- Innovative Rice Farmer, Director of Rice Res., Hyderabad 2011
- Jagjeevan Ram Kisan Puraskar, ICAR, N Delhi 2004
- Arekar Pratishthan Puraskar, Karjat 2004
- Asian Fisheries Puraskar, CIFE, Mumbai 2002
- L M Patel Farmer of the Year Award, Aspee Foundation, Mumbai 2001
- Krishi Bhushan, Govt of Maharashtra, 1998
- Vasantrao Naik Puraskar, Pusad 1994
- Innovative Farmer, Indian Society of Extension Education, N Delhi 1992