Food Security - Must For Everybody

Food Security - Must For Everybody.
A quickly alarmed meeting of farmers was called via Mobile Phone, under a road side tree. Subject was to tackle problem of stray cattle to the irrigated rice growers. Statement by one of the farmer prompted to write this article.
Since 1986, about 60% of the summer paddy farmers have stopped growing paddy and half of the remaining 40% saying that we too will discontinue the thankless job of farming if the problem remains this season.’ In short, the threshold level of farmers’ patience has reached its peak.
In another incidence, two bus loads of farmers from Paithan of Aurangabad District were visiting my farm Saguna Baug. They were quite happy. After meal chatting session I asked them, How many of them feel that their son/daughter should become farmer?” Only three out of 100 farmers raised their Yes, the question is yet to be asked to their children!
I was inviting to chat with farmers of Sangli. The farmers became quite sensitive when they explained that the important issues at the time of setting their marriages were amount to cultivable land with the family, number of bullocks type of irrigation system, and so on. But now, they said with heavy heart, even if we mention about our farming profession as priority, the Girl’s parents quickly excuse themselves.
To make the list short a last example. In about July 2008 I was invited to participate a brain storming session in Bhuwaneshwar. 150 Fisheries scientists from Kashmir to Andaman had come together to visualize what will be fish production scenario of India in 2025? I started my views at the end of the day. “The scientific knowledge put forth by you during the day was so great that if farmers use even a bit of it their profitability will go up considerably. But please raise your hands who wish to give this valuable knowledge to their sons who will become successful fish farmers of tomorrow?” Suddenly serious silence spread in the hall.
For all these readers who are going to need food in next four hours need to take above observations seriously.
About 8 years ago, I had an opportunity to participate a high level meet to discuss Hybrid rice. Dr. Mangala Rai then Director General, Field Crops today Director General and Advisor to Prime Minister addressed the gathering to highlight the importance of Hybrid rice he said, “Today’s overflowing grain godowns are not because we are producing more, but they are overflowing because purchasing power of our large class is not enough. Per capita food consumption of Indians is very low as compared to rest of the world.” He wanted to say, ‘Hurry up and get on to grow more food.” Surprisingly Mr. George Bush after a large time later said the same thing, “Indians can afford to buy more food and hence world food shortage!’
In this same decade, India’s books of account show spending of thousands of crores of towards research, education, extension, subsidies etc. of agriculture Economic Times of 21st July 2008 quotes, ‘the Government of Indian Economic survey, the rate of growth in India’s food production is 1.2% a year, significantly less than population growth rate of 1.9%. Ten years ago, our national spending on agriculture (mainly salaries and services of course) was about 5%. In 2007-08 it came down to 1.42% and in 2008-09 it is likely to be only 1.30%. It has been an important that more and more folks turning their backs to agriculture worry to the Economic Expert like Manmohan singh.
For effective G.M. and Hybrid varieties, tractor and so on stand second priority to self confidence and motivation of the individual on the farm land. In fact if we consider the available sunlight, water falling from sky, and available land of India, we should aggressively try to take contract of feeding the world. But what is the mind set of today’s farmers who are filling the land for food production? Suicide as a tool to get rid of problems; in debtless; impossible government and regulations for land regards forcing all the energy and confidence into coarts; getting stuck into the net of land sale agents; and so on. By today’s methods of agricultural development it is like stitching a patch to the torn sky. Its for eye wash and not for real ‘Food Security’. At this rate government is likely to appoint another commission after 12 years to evaluate why ‘Food Security’ was not solved? A list of reasons! In my opinion in another 3 to 5 years we may have more bundles of currency notes (piece of papers) but may have to run around to avail food for the family. If this turns true the repairs could be very expensive and violent.
In nutshell the problem is that able youth is turning back towards tilling land the “Land” an important resource for food production is being transferred in to not tilling hands with money power.
A simple solution is possible to overcome this. Don’t wait any more for government, agriculture institutions, world organizations etc. to come for your help. Its already late and you know you should not start digging well when you are thirsty. For all those who get their food supply by spending ‘paper bills’ should go out in rural area and find a friend who is tilling the land. Be a ‘Big Brother’ for him from city Of course not to buy him out, but to make him strong and confident. Visit him at least once in two months possibly with your family spend money on it. Take keen interest in observing insects, birds, different crops, fish, waterfalls and rainwater haw sting ponds. Also experience the harshness of the nature such as hot sun with mirage, terminal rain and floods, thundering sky and rain bows, basram hill slopes etc. Also share his work for at least few minutes Buy any and all farm produce with closed eyes for a price that will make him happy. In short, you need to find one farmer family, be at his back to maintain and increase his confidence. All this is not for the sake of country, or not for the farmer but for your selfish interest! Guarantying your “Food Security” in coming years. As instant gain the energy and happiness that you and your family will gain. While in the open air will take you a long way when you return to city. Fill your need for this persistence and some vision.
Nation’s father, the Mahatma told us the same thing at the time of independence. Jawaharlalji also said, every thing else can wait, but not agriculture’. And the famous ‘Jai Kisan’ slogan is still in our hearts. Its about time that we bring that in to practice in our own small way.